Deal: Flight Unlimited 2K16 kostenlos statt 14,99 Euro




Zum Black Friday gibt es allerlei Angebote im Microsoft Store. Aber nicht alle werden sofort Entdeckt, so wie dieses Angebot!

Flight Unlimited 2K16 kostenlos

Diese Woche bekommt Ihr den Flugsimulator Flight Unlimited 2K16 kostenlos statt für 14,99 Euro. Die Bewertungen sind nicht gerade die besten aber man kann es ja mal testen. Wie heißt es so schön: "Einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul"!

Store Beschreibung:

"One of the most gorgeous games in the Windows store"

Soar across the beautiful skies of the San Francisco bay area, Las Vegas, and Switzerland. Flight Unlimited utilizes advanced streaming technology to provide some of the best visuals in flight simulation.

The HD scenery is a first in mobile flight simulation and covers an area over 10x larger than its predecessor. The scenery is so detailed you can even find your house.

The campaign tasks with you missions such as rescuing a prisoner from Alcatraz, B2 Bomber surveillance over the Swiss Alps, landing your Cessna on the Golden Gate Bridge, and more!

Over two years in the making, Flight Unlimited has been redesigned from the ground up by an aviation expert.

The game features Ultra high definition satellite imagery of the San Francisco Bay Area, Las Vegas, and Switzerland. Never before has this level of detail been provided in a Flight Simulator.

Buzz the Golden Gate Bridge, take a fly-by of Alcatraz, scream past Levi Field, and even take a look at the future home of the world champion Golden State Warriors.

Flight Unlimited X
Flight Unlimited X
Entwickler: Flight Systems LLC
Preis: 2,99 €

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